My Story

My name is Bree and I have been coaching women to lose weight since 2013. Many of my clients have lost incredible amounts of weight and inches. I however, following my own advice had a much harder time. I followed the “healthy” eating and meal plans put out there by doctors and nutritionists repeatedly. I would lose weight and then gain it back. I also had a much harder time losing weight than others and the docs and I chalked it up to genetics and a slow metabolism.

By the time I was 38 I weighed a whopping 279.5 pounds. I was fed up. I tried a supplement out on the market and it started to work. I lost 30 pounds in 90 days and was really beginning to see that it “could” also happen to me. Then, as time went on, the weight loss ground down to a halt at 253.5. I couldn’t figure it out. I found out later that the owner of the supplement company changed the ingredients, and I started to gain weight again. As the weight started going back up again I was so frustrated that I decided to try weight loss surgery.

I went through a doctor instructed weight loss program lost 20 pounds. (so got back to 253.5). Then, went in, for gastric banding surgery. I was elated. I was finally going to lose the weight and this time NOTHING could stop me.

HOWEVER, after the first month I started throwing up 3-5 times daily whether I had eaten anything or not. Then it started. I started gaining weight. YES gaining weight after gastric banding weight loss surgery. I went to the surgeon I was working with and said” what gives” “ how can this be happening?” And he proceded to tell me that I was cheating. And he was dead serious. I was in shock. I knew that I was only able to get about 800 calories in each day and that I was losing a lot of that due to the constant throwing up. I couldn’t believe that I had just sat there for an hour telling him my story and all he could come up with was that I was cheating! It was incredible. I did not go through a hospital supervised weight loss program and surgery to cheat. I was on the up and up and was stunned when this doctor proceeded to yell at me and tell me what a horrible person I was with no self control???? It was crazy to me that he would even think that. I tried to defend myself but he wouldn’t listen and basically ushered me out of his office.

With nowhere to turn I continued with this banding in my stomach for just over a year and my weight ballooned to the highest in my life at 310 pounds. I was devastated. This was not what was supposed to happen. I was supposed to be skinny by now. ;(

When I was 26 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by a Rheumatoid Arthritis specialist. I learned to live with weird aches and pains. By the time of my weight loss surgery my body had just gotten worse and worse. I had now been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, anxiety and depression. I felt like my life was completely and totally beyond my control. I would wake up feeling drugged, try to eat healthy, have brain fog all day. Cry repeatedly for no reason. Stress myself and worry about every little thing. Exercise they said!!! I would try but I couldn’t even walk down the street at some points as my weight was so high and my energy levels were so low from all of the drugs they had me taking. The only options the docs gave me were exercise and eat by the Canada food guide. Plus drug after drug. Prescription after prescription. It was ridiculous and every side effect that could happen did. Have you seen those commercials that list 30 possible side effects? Well I was feeling them all. My life was not my own. I couldn’t make plans with people I could barely exist without help some days. No wonder I was depressed. Who wouldn’t be?

Finally I fought with the people that gave me the surgery and demanded to have the banding taken out. And low and behold I stopped throwing up the same day. As well within the next year I was able to get my weight down below 300 and sit between 265-279.5 pounds. It wasn’t ideal but it was better than before. Basically I had tried all of the weight loss programs out there and decided that I just couldn’t fight against my body anymore. It had won!

Then two years ago I was surprised with a ticket to a very popular motivational speaker and jumped at the chance to go. I had hoped maybe they could help me. But something completely different happened.

Before this motivational speaker took the stage a warm up speaker came on and said do you have these conditions? And she listed every symptom and condition that I had. I was taken aback and said yes.  She said then you can change your life!!!! (very emphatically) And I looked at her and said yeah right after all of the specialists, surgeons, nutritionists and docs out there I had seen, HOW EXACTLY could one little woman help?? I mean seriously. How was I to believe her?

Then she basically explained how it would work. And I thought hmmmm. OK, so I came home and researched the science she swore was out there for people with Diabetes type 2, autoimmune conditions and MS and found out that yes she was right. They were curing people daily with this information. I was stunned.

How many specialists had I been too. How many doctors? How many appointments had I wasted my time at? What the science said went against soooo many things I had been taught in the weight loss industry. And that I myself had been teaching. I couldn’t believe that this information had been hiding from me my whole life. I looked at what it was going to take to accomplish my ultimate goal of HEALTH and really thought about. Could even make the changes suggested to me? While I was thinking about it I had a huge Fibro Flare that debilitated me to the bedroom for a week. At the end of that week, I decided YES!! I didn’t really have an option. I needed to feel like a human again.  Really, what were my other options. To never get out of bed again? I didn’t see that as living my life.

So I put on my big girl pants and started the changes. Some were hard some were easy. They were all very simple. Within 1 week. I knew I was going to get better. I could actually feel the difference in days. It was incredible. Well, I thought the changes were going to be really hard for me, but let me tell you once I started feeling lighter and having more energy than I had in years. It became soooo simple. Every day the choices became easier and easier and within 6 months I had lost 60 pounds.

I had been using a new supplement for the previous 6 months to this and had lost 30 pounds without making changes. So in total in just over a year I had lost 90 pounds. WOW what a difference 90 pounds makes in your daily life. And of course I found out why the previous supplement had worked for me. It had been the beginning of how I needed to change the way that my body processed food. (I only figured that out once I started following the new program though, I wish I had figured it out sooner but… c’est la vie).

Now I am 90 pounds less and every day I feel better and better. Because I had these conditions for so long and had been eating incorrectly basically all of my life by following the doctor’s advice My healing is a two a half year process. But I’m ok with that as I see new and exciting changes daily in my health. J

I am still on my journey but now I am ready to share with everyone how I was helped and how you can help yourself and shed your weight loss resistance, autoimmune condition symptoms, diabetes type 2, MS symptoms and so much more. I am now ready to help you take on this journey and take control back of your life! And I’m sooo excited to see how these changes can help you as they have helped sooo many others now.

If you would like to take back control of your

  • cholesterol
  • blood pressure
  • blood sugar levels
  • weight
  • cravings
  • energy levels
  • autoimmune symptoms
  • diabetes type two symptoms
  • MS symptoms

And sooo much more. Reach out to me and let’s get you started on my signature program today. Don’t wait! Haven’t you wasted enough time feeling bad about yourself? Feeling like you have no self discipline? Feeling like it’s just that you’re too sick to put out the energy? Feeling like you have no control over your cravings. Or trying to fight them and then feeling bad about yourself for giving in?

These are all things that will be taken care of. I work with your mindset and your body to help you take back control of your life. I will teach you to discover what makes your body function at the highest efficiency levels. Your journey will be your very own. You will be the master of your body. You will decide what plans you can make and keep, not your body. You will heal and lose weight with ease. No more weight loss resistance. No more fighting your body. Together we can take back control. Click the button below and let’s get started. It’s not your fault you are where you are now. And the best part is you can change it!! I’m so excited to sit down and talk to you and get you on the right path.

Next Steps...

Just click the button and send me an email. I will send you a form to fill out and we can decide if we are a good fit to work together towards your health and weight loss goals. I'm so excited to hear from you and help you on your journey today!